oh boy its nice to come back from a year's hiatus. I've been busy with some life stuff and now Its finally a great time to get back into flash. I just got a new computer so some projects are on hold until I can rescue them from a laptop that lacks an operating system! I would like to thank those who supported my beginner flashes (still up on the site check them out) and would like to let those who used to enjoy my stuff know I'm better with a year's worth more experience. Still not great but above average ^^.
I'm looking to begin planning the 4th episode of The Samurai, and I'm almost done with an extraordinary pilot to a new series(I may have to break it up into two episodes lol). I'm back and I hope people like kenshin1913 are still around because knowing people enjoy your stuff makes all the work more than worthwhile.
Keep on enjoying the summer guys,