Things are still progressing great! I spent all day helping my little bro move back from school so I wasn't able to get any work in today. I conceived about two or three ideas that I'm going to begin implementing tomorrow.
Even with a whole day delay, I could probably still reach my release date of the 25th for the two minute preview / demo. I think I'm going to increase the length to include 25%, and push the date back a week. This way I can get more critique, as I'm being a bit ambitious with the production.
I spent all last night working on a five man melee, and all I could say was ooooh as I previewed the 1/2 finished product. I've never animated more than four characters in battle at the same time, there's a lot to keep track of! Once again, I'm writing from a tablet, so I can't rip a nice still to accompany this update. I'll try to do the next one from my pc.
Anyways, I'll try to wrap up the Mega Men fight tomorrow. It makes up the bulk of the demo, but the demo should run all the way to the beginning of the 2nd fight in the movie. For reference sake I have five or six battle scenes planned ( as opposed to 2 in #1).
Have a good one, you'll be hearing from me again soon!